Because I was so excited last night, I did not experience this day with enough sleep under my belt. Nevertheless, I had a great time. I also had a great pulled pork slider around 5 O’clock.
One of the panels I attended was an “Online Assets Review”, where each artist in attendance took turns having their online presence critiqued by a panel of about 8 industry delegates. I was really nervous about this because I’m frustrated with my website and knew it would be a bomb. Luckily, when it was my turn, I directed them to my Facebook and Twitter pages instead. I was able to gain really constructive feedback with minor embarrassment. Edie was a hit. I miss that little face.

Now I have lots of tweaking to do on my social media pages but I’m entirely too exhausted to tackle that tonight.
Next I attended a panel on National touring. Aside from budgeting, the best take home was about making every show count. I’m blessed to have a kick ass publicist but I also have a big hand in “creating little moments” around each show that to me are fun challenges to maximize the draw and the experience. Doing house shows, attending local open mics, and inviting people to have a free ticket are some cool ideas I heard to bring new people in. I can’t wait to get out on the road in the spring. I have so many new things to try out and put to the test.

I went for another round of one-on-one mentoring sessions and felt slightly manic when I met this lovely gentleman, Ryan. First of all, we got to talking a little bit yesterday about the importance of lyrics and I was still jazzed up about that interrupted conversation. We picked up where we left off and it was one of my favourite 15 minutes of the trip. It was the only time I forgot I was tired. Some people you just click with right away. I often feel like that when I’m around Aleisha Kalina. As soon as I see her my energy level shoots through the roof and we start laughing maniacally. I asked him if he knew Brett Dennen because he’s from that area and I got all blushy. “You really like, Brett, huh?” he said with a quiet smirk. I’m shit at composing myself sometimes. Anyways, I like this dude. He’s a keeper.
My relatives, Barry and Sharon, picked me up at 6 and we visited my mother’s cousin. Our plan was to go to The Owl because I really wanted to see Nick Faye play, but I was seriously doubting my physical capacity to stay awake that long. Just before we left, I decided I wasn’t going to make it, but as soon as we stepped outside into that cold air, I got a rush of wakefulness and changed my mind. It was worth it.
(Bettys playing Indie Week ^^)
All I had to do was run into a few people that I’d met earlier to have a “hey i remember you” conversation and now I feel like we’re B.O.W. friends. My networking game was off most of the day due to my bliss hangover, so I feel redeemed. For such an awesome experience, I don’t want to waste any of it. I wish I could do this all the time. I only have to wait until April to do it all again at Canadian Music Week. If I get a showcase I’m going to do my damnedest to convince the Bettys to play because we would SLAY. Do you think I can convince them? We had the most epic time at Indie Week and now that I’m at Break Out West I’m remembering how electric the vibe is and performing with the other bands just makes it all nuts. It’s truly the pinnacle of being a musician because everyone is all in the same place, partying and celebrating that which makes us blaze.
Bed time. Made it.